
The Valentine's Day is a day originating in the United State but is now celebrated worldwide as well as in Mexico. This day, alsocalled "Valentine's Day" or "Day of Love and Friendship" ischaracterized as a day in which each individual can express theirlove, affection or love for one or more persons whether family,friends or loves.

On this day it is customary to give small details which can expressa little of what you mean well as chocolates, sweets, balloons, flowers, toys and even kisses and hugs, but more importantly isable to say and express your feelings .

Dating is nice because it is the day that is what is in a couple.Among friends to sample the true friendship. And among familieswith a family meal is enough to say that they are united and there is love.

Also in this tradition is a character and quite old: Cupid. Is said to be an angel who shoots arrows with his bow two peopledetermined to fall in love with each other and also is a symbol ofthis tradition.

It is very beautiful this tradition, as already mentioned, practicedand celebrated worldwide