
Holy week

Holy Week is the week that we commemoration of when Goddied for us, rose again and there was much passion.

Begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday and told vigilfor all those who are Catholic can not eat meat because of therespect that God deserves.

Easter is preceded by Lent, which ends in Holy Week which is celebrated the Eucharist on Holy Thursday.

This week has much meaning for anyone who is of Catholic faithbecause that is when God gave life and was sentenced to death.It is a tradition years ago so a lot will pass from generation to generation because the religion never ends and in the Catholicfaith is very large.

At this time it is customary to go to church much, stop eating meat because of the vigil, promises to God, candles and a myriad of things. Even on national television are special programs on thistradition.

This is a classic religious tradition that was practiced long andbeautiful. Here in Mexico we can appreciate better than mostplaces because most Mexicans are Catholic and has a lot of faith, celebrating God as they should.